Monday, June 11, 2018

Well it's Summer and I'm Reading Again

Okay the name of this post makes it seem like I don't read during the school year which is false because I do. I just don't have time to blog about it because I'm always doing homework or at some club or the other. And if I'm being real I don't even have that much time to read but it still happens to some extent. 

So since school has ended I've read quite a few books:
- A Court of Thorns and Roses
- A Court of Mist and Fury
- A Court of Wings and Ruin 
(In case you couldn't tell this is a trilogy and it's by the same author as the Throne of Glass series. Both series are really good and I enjoyed them although one of my friends didn't and I could see her point but I have other friends that do like them so I guess it's up to you. I strongly encourage you to at least try them. I started with Throne of Glass but that one has 6 books out I think and is still waiting on the finale while A Court of Thorns and Roses is a trilogy and is complete. However, I don't know if I would have continued with A Court of Thorns and Roses if I hadn't already known a major plot twist that occurs in the second book. However, now you know there is a major plot twist so you might be more encouraged to read it)
- The Upside to Unrequited
- Leah on the Offbeat
(Both of these are by the same author as "Simon and the Homosapiens Agenda" which was currently made into a movie called "Love Simon". Heard of it? :) Anyway I really liked them partly because they were good and partly because they have overlapping characters and I love it when that happens because they are related but unrelated at the same time and you kind of get to see how your favorite characters from a different book are doing.)
- Pride and Prejudice (read this for the third of fourth time lol)
- Currently reading: The Art of Being Normal
(My friend really likes this book. I think it's okay. So far it's turned out to be pretty predictable including the plot twist. I definitely saw it coming. But. It's set in England so when I read it I have all these characters speaking in British accents in my head which is fun.)

Okay I'm going to end it here because even though it's summer I'm busy and I don't want to have a super long post so bye!