Thursday, January 7, 2016

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

By: Ally Carter

Picture from Goodreads
What would you do if you were a spy who fell in love with an ordinary boy? If you could speak 14 different languages and could take down someone double your size in about 2 seconds?  If you lived in a mansion with other spies, ate gourmet food and used evapopaper (paper you can eat) instead of real paper? If you had to keep your relationship a secret from skilled ex-spies like your mom and teachers all the while navigating this relationship with a normal boy who thinks you are a normal girl? What would you do?

Cammie Morgan goes to the Gallagher Academy, an all girls school where the girls learn to be spies. This year Cammie and her friends are taking Covert Operations for the first time. During their first "mission" Cammie meets a boy named Josh. Josh is normal in every sense of the word. He goes to a public school, has normal friends who he hangs out with and has a normal family- a mom who loves baking pies, a little sister still in elementary school, and a dad who owns the local pharmacy. Nothing extraordinary here. When Cammie meets Josh, her whole world turns upside down. Suddenly, she is sneaking out of the Gallagher Academy every weekend and hanging out with her secret boyfriend.

What do you do if you are in a relationship with an ordinary boy, who thinks you're an ordinary girl, when you're anything but? Read this book to find out!

I probably give this book a 3.5-4 out of 5 rating wise, but I get that it's not for everybody. It's kind of a romance novel, but with a twist. It's like romance+spies. It's spymance! *Insert Jazz Hands Here* Okay, sorry, that was really cheesy. I know I said it's romance, but there isn't really that much romance. I mean they only kiss once, I think. Besides, do you think a romance novel would include digging through trash to find clues, tailing people through town and hacking into emails?! I don't think so!

Anyway, in case you end up reading this book and you like it, the second book is called Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy.  Let me know what you think.

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds super good. I have been wanting to read it forever!
