Sunday, December 6, 2015

Anne of Green Gables 2.0

So, I know I didn't do a great job at describing Anne of Green Gables last time, but in school we had to write a Goodreads review and this is the book that I used for it. I think I turned out better, but tell me what you think:

Anne -with an E Shirley, has never had a place to call her own.
Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert are an old pair who know next to nothing about children.
Who would think that they would ever meet? However, when Matthew goes to the station to pick up the boy that they have chosen to adopt, there isn’t one in sight! Only a skinny, red-haired, freckled girl who appeared to be waiting for someone. After questioning the station master, Matthew realizes that the girl is waiting for him. There must have been a mistake, but he can’t just leave her there. He decides to take her with him. Shy by nature, Matthew decides to let Marilla break the news to the young, eager faced-girl who just can’t stop talking from excitement. During the short ride from the station to Green Gables (a farm house on Prince Edward Island), Anne manages to not only win over Matthew, but the reader as well.
Anne of Green Gables is an amazing book full of love, laughter, and tragedy (not very much though). In short it is full of life. Join Anne as she experienced the ups and downs of life, gets herself and those closest to her in “scrapes” and let’s her imagination run wild.
One thing I especially loved about this book is that it gives an accurate portrayal of life. In some books, the character’s lives seem so glamorous and unreal. The characters don’t make mistakes, but not in Anne of Green Gables. Anne makes mistakes, she starches handkerchiefs, flies into tempers and dyes her hair accidentally on purpose. To be sure, she also has her  good traits. She is smart, imaginative and has a big heart. She loves her friends to the moon and back. Another thing I liked about this book is that the characters are so lovable and dynamic. Throughout the book, you can see them growing and not just in stature or age. The characters learn from their mistakes, and you can see their personalities and interests developing and expanding. Their dreams are changing, and the things they looked forward to as children, don’t hold the same wonder and reverence, once they become older. The characters are so lovable that once they enter your heart, they stay there forever, no matter what. You feel like you’ve known them your entire life. That you’ve spoken to them and played with them and lived with them. You feel as if, should they have existed, you would have been the best of friends with them.
One thing I didn’t like so much about Anne of Green Gables is that it was published in 1908. That’s over 100 year! It’s not the age of the book so much that I don’t like, it’s the language used in the book. Some of the phrases that were very common back then are nearly lost now. This made the book a bit confusing at times, but it was still really good.

People who might like this book are readers who like classic books such as Little Women and/or Jane Austen novels. In addition, if you like realistic fiction, you would probably like this book. Readers who like strong female characters might enjoy this book as well. Even though there is no action/fighting, which is what you typically associate with strong female characters (Hermione Granger, Katniss Everdeen, Annabeth Chase), Anne is as strong as them all, in her own way.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

By: Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables is a great book about an orphan girl named Anne-spelled with an E Shirley. She is adopted by Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert and goes to live at Green Gables, a farm house on Prince Edward Island. The book follows Anne's life over the first few years of her adoption. Anne of Green Gables is a heartwarming story about a young girl and all her mistakes and triumphs. It is about growing up and learning that life isn't always the fairytale you dreamed it was when you were young. It is about learning that you can't always get what you want (like puffed sleeves) but you should be thankful for what you have, because things can be so much worse. Through Anne you learn that dreams are just that, dreams, even if they do come true sometimes. You learn the glory of an imagination. Through this book you learn what it means to be a human, with all the good and bad, the character traits and flaws, the successes both big and small, along with the shortcomings. You learn that no victory is too small and no voice is insignificant. Join Anne as she encounters the ups and downs of life, gets herself and those she loves in "scrapes" and just has fun.

I love this book so much. I've probably read it like a gazillion times. Even more, or just as many times as I've read Harry Potter. Of course, this book is shorter than Harry Potter so it is easier. Anyway, even if it doesn't seem interesting, you should still read it, because it is a lot better, than what it sounds like. I didn't really do it justice. Just read it, it is great. I think you'll like it. It's just one of those books that you like. Especially if you like classics, like Little Women, you should read this book. Also, if you haven't read Little Women read that too. It's also really great. If you like realistic fiction books you would probably really like this book. It is set in the past, so if you like historical fiction, you might like it as well. I just think that anyone would like this book regardless, of what genre they like though. If you are interested, and you should be, even though I described it really badly, I know for sure that they have it on Kindle. In fact, they have pretty much the entire series on Kindle. I got the Anne of Green Gables Collection and it has most of the books and more!

So, yes, this is a series, but it isn't one of those series's where you just have to read the next book. In fact for the longest amount of time, I didn't even know it was a series, until I got the book on Kindle. (I have a paper copy of this book too). In case you were wondering, the order of the books in the series are as follows: Anne of Green Gables; Anne of Avonlea; Anne of the Island; Anne of Windy Poplars; Anne's House of Dreams; Anne of Ingleside; Rainbow Valley and Rilla of Ingleside. I have read all of them except for Anne of Windy Poplars and Anne of Ingleside.

I'm now going to post the Goodreads review, because I just did a really bad job at describing this book and you will probably be more inclined to read it if you read this summary. 
Everyone's favorite redhead, the spunky Anne Shirley, begins her adventures at Green Gables, a farm outside Avonlea, Prince Edward Island. When the freckled girl realizes that the elderly Cuthberts wanted to adopt a boy instead, she begins to try to win them and, consequently, the reader, over. --Goodreads

I know the book still doesn't seem really interesting, but it is really entertaining and it's so easy to get attached to the characters. Please, please, please, give it a chance. Also, don't forget to check out my polls, I have them on the side, and sometimes people realize they're there, but not usually.

PS  Did anyone notice the google picture on Monday, November 30th? The picture was of a red haired girl doing various things like eating with old people and reading with a black haired girl. That girl was Anne!!! It was in honor of Lucy Maud Montgomery's birthday! Anyway, I just thought that was cool...

Bye for now!
This a picture of the copy of the book that I have,
 as taken by me, with my phone. Sorry for the glare.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Naturals

The Naturals

By: Jennifer Barnes

The Naturals (The Naturals, #1)
Picture is from Goodreads.
This book is so great that I literally almost finished it in one sitting. I would have too, if I didn't have to eat dinner and go to bed.

The Naturals is a book about a about a girl named Cassie Hobbes. 5 years ago her mother was brutally murdered and neither the body nor the killer was ever found. So when the FBI comes knocking it's not a surprise that she thinks it's about her mother. What is a surprise is that the FBI contacts Cassie because she has a gift. She has the ability to take one look at someone and based on how they dress, talk and act she can tell you everything about them. The FBI has started a program called The Naturals for teens with special gifts like Cassie's. Some of these include reading emotions, lie detecting and analyse. Together Cassie and her new friends solve cold cases, until she is the one being targeted. Read this book to find out who the killer is, why they are tracking Cassie and who will survive!

One thing that I especially loved about this book is the mystery. I love watching T.V. shows like Poirot, Monk, Sherlock Holmes and Psych. I love watching mystery shows and seeing the  characters piece together the clues that everyone else misses. The Naturals is similar to that except targeted toward the Young Adult crowd. Jennifer Barnes does and incredible job at showing how all the clued fit together without giving too much away! Another great thing is at that at the start of many chapters there is an excerpt from the killers point of view! *SPOILER ALERT* - KIND OF, NOT REALLY (IT'S REALLY NOT UNLESS YOU'RE REALLY PICKY ABOUT THIS KIND OF THING): At the end of the book there is a major plot twist, I totally didn't see it coming!

I hope you read this book and like it as much as I do! Who do you think the killer is?

Check it out on Goodreads:
If you don't already have a Goodreads account I strongly recommend it. It is great when you are trying to pick a book to read.

P.S. The second book in the series is called Killer Instinct (it is really good too!) and the third one is called All in (I haven't read this book yet because it came out really recently but I REALLY, REALLY want to.)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Not So Brief Introduction to Fangirling

HELLO!!! This is one post in what might become a series of many. In this post I'm going to define the terms fangirl/boy, fangirling, ships/shipping, fanfics and OTP's in context to the fangirling world. I will also include a sample of fangirling. 

Fangirl- a girl filled with single-minded, obsessive interest and enthusiasm for a book(s); can be found in a library or with her nose buried in a book; if you ever encounter one, proceed with caution, they can be unpredictable

Fanboy- the same as a fangirl (but a boy); extremely rare!

Fangirling- when a fangirl is in her element and won't shut up! They can talk for days on end so be careful when talking to one; usually happens when 2 or more fangirls get together/meet

Ships/Shipping- this occurs when fangirls want 2 characters to get together- they ship them (don't actually have to be together in book or be in the same book for that matter); it only gets super intense when 2+ fangirls who ship the same characters meet, then things get a lit-tle crazy   
--Check out this picture!!!

Fanfics- stories created by fangirls about characters before, after or during their stories; some may transcend books (include characters from different series); some fanfics include characters that aren't even in the book

OTP's- stands for one true paring; this is the ship(s) that fangirls value over all others MORE ADVICE: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER INSULT A FANGIRL'S OTP! It is imperative that you follow this advice unless you want to find yourself in some unhealthy situations.

It is essential that you understand the terms above in case you encounter a fangirl or the extremely rare fanboy.

Now for the moment that you have all been waiting for, I know I have, it is time for the fangirling sample:
Okay, so my all time favorite ship in Harry Potter is Dramoine. They are so cute!!! It's especially great because Emma Watson used to have a crush on Tom Felton!
Oh, my gosh, Draco is soo misunderstood! I mean he is so awesome. It's not his fault that his parents were evil. It's how he was brought up! That mindset was around him his whole life, it was all he knew before Hogwarts and then he was put into Slytherin surrounded by people who thought just like how he was brought up to think. By the time he realized his mistake, everyone expected him to think and act that way, especially because they knew his father and his family's reputation. Also, when Voldemort came to power, he couldn't exactly say,"No, I won't join you" Voldemort would kill him and everyone he cares about. Plus, it is harder to turn your back on family, on you flesh and blood, than on people who have made your life miserable for the past 5 years. In addition, you have to remember that Draco didn't actually kill Dumbledore, he had started lowering his wand before all the Death Eaters appeared. I have one last thing that I want to say about Draco Malfoy before I stop, otherwise I will get too carried away. I just wanted to say; How did Dobby know all about the great Harry Potter if he was living with the Malfoys? I want you to think about that. Now I will stop, so that you don't have to spend all day reading this.

 I would be happy to tell you about my views on Draco Malfoy, or any other book characters. Let me know if you liked this post and whether or not I should do more fangirling posts. I could probably also do an interview with a fellow fangirl, if you would prefer that. If you do want more of these posts, let me know which books, characters, etc. to do them on. Remember to tell your friends about this and I hope that you liked it. Hopefully the definitions will be helpful. Sorry this post is so long, but like I said, fangirls find it really hard to stop once they get started. I'll try to keep my next post short and sweet. BYE!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015



By: Jerry Spinelli

She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow. She was the first scent of a cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds we tried to pin her to corkboard like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and she flew away. 

Stargirl is a book about an enigmatic girl who is not afraid to be herself. She sends people cards, she sings for them on their birthday, she cheers for the other team when they score a goal, and everyone hates her. Everyone, except a shy boy named Leo Borlock.

 Told from Leo's point of view, this heartwarming story is about finding your identity and accepting people for who they really are.

It's a good read for all ages. Jerry Spinelli packs so much in so few pages, it's incredible. It feels like you've read a 300 page book, instead of a book that is not even 200 pages. You can read this book in one sitting or spread it over a long period of time. When you finish Stargirl, you can read Love, Stargirl, the sequel. It is written in Stargirl's point of view. Personally, I haven't read Love, Stargirl yet, but I can't wait to. Stargirl is an amazing book, and I hope you read it!

This is the cover of Stargirl.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter

By: JK Rowling

A good book for you when you don't know what to read is Harry Potter. Even if you have read it before. It is a great first time read and a great book to come back to again and again. I personally am on my 4th or 5th time of this incredible series. 

For those of you who have never read Harry Potter before, JK Rowling fills the books with action, humor and excitement. The fast pace makes them hard to put down. These books will leave you laughing or crying, happy or sad, but no matter the effect they have on you, I'm sure you'll agree that it is a must read.

For those of you who have read these books previously, I don't have to tell you what a wonderful series it is. Rowling hides so many clues to what is going to happen later in the book or even later in the series! When I reread the books I love looking for those clues and I discover more and more with each reading. For example, and I know this one is kind of obvious, but I don't want to give anything away. It's more fun to find them yourself. In The Order of the Phoenix, the 5th book in the series, Sirius Black's house is called Grimauld Place. It is described as being gloomy and old. Grimauld Place is a play on Grim, Old Place. Get it?

If you haven't read Harry Potter, I extremely recommend this series. If you have read Harry Potter, I extremely recommend this series. Basically Harry Potter is a great series full of life, friendship and love to read on any occasion.
Question: How did Harry Potter cross the road?
Answer: Walking, JK Rowling