Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Small Update

So since I last posted, I've gone through a few books.

#1-  Anne of Windy Poplars
Anne of Windy Poplars (Anne of Green Gables, #4)
So this is the 4th book in the Anne of Green Gables Series and I can honestly say, that the others are a 100 X better. Half the book is written in the format of letters from Anne to someone else whose identity I would rather not disclose, as most of you have probably not even read the first book, but in case you do (and you should) I don't want to ruin anything. Also, none of the original characters are in the book, other than Anne and a couple others that only make a brief appearance. Anne is the principal of a high school in a new place, and so there are all new characters, not many as good as the old. This book kind of serves as a transition between the end of the 3rd book and the beginning of the 5th. Personally, I didn't like it very much and couldn't wait for it to be over. However, don't let this discourage you from the rest of the books. They are amazing!!! My advice is read all the books, but skip over this one. You won't miss anything, I promise. I read the whole series through at least twice, some of the books more than twice, without knowing that Anne of Windy Poplars was the 4th. I always thought the 4th was Anne's House of Dreams which is the fifth. The only reason that I now know better, is because of Goodreads! 

#2- Jesse's Girl
Jesse's Girl (Hundred Oaks)
This was a very interesting (for lack of a better adjective) book. The way I came across it: After a very, very, very, very long day, my family was going to my friend's house for a get together. We have this group kind of thing, where all of us meet at someone's house once a month, if you know what I mean. I was tired, and all I wanted to do was read, but there weren't many books that I hadn't already read. My friend had gotten this book from the library, along with others, earlier in the week. She told me to read this book, that it was a romantic comedy. IT IS NOT A ROMANTIC COMEDY!!!!!!!!!! It is just plain old, romance. Now I don't really read this kind of thing, so I can't judge if it was a good book or not, but I don't know. I mean, I guess it wasn't too romancy. See, the book is basically about this girl who wants to be a musician and so for her school's career shadow day, she gets to shadow Jessie Scott, this really famous country music star or whatever. Of course, they get together, and then he thinks she's using him to get a music deal, and then they get together again, and you know. Classic love story. One good thing that can be said about this book is that it has music, but I don't know how much better that makes it. Unless you are the kind of person who reads romance or you want to try something new, I wouldn't read this book. For me, since I don't read books like this (like ever) I thought it was very awkward, but you know, maybe it is something that you would enjoy. Also, since I didn't do the best job at explaining this, it is kind of like the movie Starstruck but not as good.

#3- Between Shades of Gray

Not 50 Shades of Gray, Between Shades of Gray. They are completely different. Between Shades of Gray is a super good, super sad book and from the point of a teenage girl, who gets sent to a labor camp with her brother and mother during Stalin and Hitler's reigns of terror. I'm not going to go into too much detail right now, because it deserves its own post, so keep an eye out for that, and I will try for it to not be too long, but no guarantees.

Check out these books and others on https://www.goodreads.com/
Pictures courtesy of Goodreads.

So this update, became a little longer than I intended, sorry about that, but since it was 3 different books, hopefully you didn't get too bored. Check out my poll. I've only had one vote so far and it has been up for about a month!!! Bye for now!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Pet Peeve

Hey everybody, so I know this is kind of different from what I usually write about, but I promise that it is related to reading. It's also pretty short, which is a good thing after my post on The Giver. Here goes:

My pet peeve is people mistreating books. You treat your phones and your clothes and iPods, etc. with perfect care, why not books? For example, when people fold the corner of a page to keep their place. If you can't remember what page you are on, get a bookmark! Also, when you check out books from the library and they are in horrible condition. The pages have stains and some of pages even have gross crusty stuff on them! These books are the reason I prefer buying new books over using the library. You just ruined a perfectly good book with your food and folding corners and throwing it around like a football. News flash-It's not a ball!!! It contains knowledge, and history. Not necessarily a history for our world, but say a history for an alternate reality, and if not that, books are the way some people escape reality. When I'm stressed out or frustrated, I read, because reading about other people's problems, whether they are realistic or not, helps you forget about your own. If books are mistreated, what is the point of reading that book? It makes it less fun. Instead of enjoying the story, all of your attention is on that one gross spot on the page. What's the point in reading that book? There isn't one. When a book is gross, nobody wants to read it (at least I don't, and I don't think any of my friends would). This is why people shouldn't mistreat books and it's annoying when they do. Seriously, to all those people out there who mistreat books, I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, but you just took all the enjoyment out of something I do to relax and have fun-which probably makes me sound nerdy, but it's true, I read for fun. Then again, this whole blog is about books, so I guess it's kind of a given that I read books for fun.

By the way, this isn't my only pet peeve. One of my bigger ones at the moment is when people's sweatshirt strings are uneven. It just bothers me, but a) that isn't related to this blog and b) it is kind of hard to write about and this post started off as a Language Arts assignment.We had to write about a pet peeve so...

PS. Check out the poll on the side of my blog!

New Book v Old Book
(Barnes and Noble Book v Library Book)