Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Pet Peeve

Hey everybody, so I know this is kind of different from what I usually write about, but I promise that it is related to reading. It's also pretty short, which is a good thing after my post on The Giver. Here goes:

My pet peeve is people mistreating books. You treat your phones and your clothes and iPods, etc. with perfect care, why not books? For example, when people fold the corner of a page to keep their place. If you can't remember what page you are on, get a bookmark! Also, when you check out books from the library and they are in horrible condition. The pages have stains and some of pages even have gross crusty stuff on them! These books are the reason I prefer buying new books over using the library. You just ruined a perfectly good book with your food and folding corners and throwing it around like a football. News flash-It's not a ball!!! It contains knowledge, and history. Not necessarily a history for our world, but say a history for an alternate reality, and if not that, books are the way some people escape reality. When I'm stressed out or frustrated, I read, because reading about other people's problems, whether they are realistic or not, helps you forget about your own. If books are mistreated, what is the point of reading that book? It makes it less fun. Instead of enjoying the story, all of your attention is on that one gross spot on the page. What's the point in reading that book? There isn't one. When a book is gross, nobody wants to read it (at least I don't, and I don't think any of my friends would). This is why people shouldn't mistreat books and it's annoying when they do. Seriously, to all those people out there who mistreat books, I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, but you just took all the enjoyment out of something I do to relax and have fun-which probably makes me sound nerdy, but it's true, I read for fun. Then again, this whole blog is about books, so I guess it's kind of a given that I read books for fun.

By the way, this isn't my only pet peeve. One of my bigger ones at the moment is when people's sweatshirt strings are uneven. It just bothers me, but a) that isn't related to this blog and b) it is kind of hard to write about and this post started off as a Language Arts assignment.We had to write about a pet peeve so...

PS. Check out the poll on the side of my blog!

New Book v Old Book
(Barnes and Noble Book v Library Book)

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